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Blog (2)

How to create a blog in Magento

In this article we will tell you how to create a blog in Magento through third party integrations. Learn more by clicking the link.

What's in a Name?

In this article we will share with you why did we name our company "Iron Plane". Actually, it is a very nice story to read.

eCommerce ORM: Why Your B2B Online Reputation Matters

Online reputation management (ORM) is really important for any business. eCommerce ORM really matters if you are planning to sell.

The Gat Creek Story

Gat Creek turned to IronPlane to help them create a B2B B2C website with a custom product visualizer. We worked to create a site that met the needs of this unique company.

End of Magento 1

It is the End of Magento 1 and you should be thinking in migrating to Magento 2. Here you will find the answers you need prior migrating.

Formaggio Kitchen Launch and Giveaway!

IronPlane is hosting a Formaggio Kitchen giveaway to celebrate the completion of the launch of their new website. Enter to win a Cheese Lovers Gift Basket.

Managing Product Catalog - PIMs, ERP, Magento

PIMs, ERP, Magento...find the best management program for your business.

How Much Social Promotion is Too Much

The content creation provides much of the material for the social promotion. How much is too much? Learn it here.

Accessibility and Compliance on Your B2B Website

Digital accessibility and compliance may not be something you've considered for your B2B website.

Newsletter and Monthly Giveaway - Sea Bags

On Monday, those on our email list will receive the very first IronPlane company weekly newsletter.