Talk To our Experts

“Access to a worldwide community of development talent makes it easier for us to invest in a website at our relatively small scale. We have confidence that the Magento platform will continue to be a good fit as we scale in size and sophistication.”

David Petersen/ VP of Marketing and Brand Development at Gat Creek

The Challenge

The Challenge

Prior to working with IronPlane, ControlTek was using two different sites to manage their eCommerce orders. One was WordPress, and the other was Magento. Trying to manage content and product data on both sites was becoming a challenge, as was implementing Magento upgrades and communicating with customers.

Moreover, having two, somewhat outdated sites wasn’t producing an ideal user experience, nor was it conveying the quality of ControlTek’s products. Juggling two sites at once wasn’t optimal for their hosting structure either. ControlTek needed help merging the two sites and enhancing their UI and UX while preserving their existing integrations.

The Solution

To provide a better experience for their customers, to improve the look and feel of their site, and to streamline their own backend processes, the ControlTek team enlisted the help of IronPlane. 

The most challenging part of the project was merging ControlTek’s WordPress and Magento sites into one Magento site — as new products and content were being created. The IronPlane dev team worked hand-in-hand with IronPlane’s UI and UX partner, Snowdog, which helped them prepare to deliver a more visually appealing and functional eCommerce site.

Once IronPlane had a path forward for the merge, they began to focus on other aspects of ControlTek’s requirements, like the integration with Epicor 21, company sites and subsites, AWS hosting, and boosting ControlTek’s content management and creation capabilities.

IronPlane was able to achieve a successful launch while maintaining day-to-day operations throughout the implementation.

  • Fusing WordPress and Magento sites
  • Upgrade to Magento 2 while preserving company accounts and sub-accounts
  • UX and UI upgrades using IronPlane’s custom Colibri foundation
  • Epicor 21 integration with Magento
  • Page builder templates
  • AWS hosting setup
The Results

The Results

Check A beautiful, secure, high-performing Magento site
Check An intuitive product structure and site navigation
Check Custom payment rules for company accounts and sub-accounts
Check Efficient AWS hosting
Check The ability to spin up new landing pages quickly and flexibly

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Your Project

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