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Speed Up Magento 2

With over 12 years of experience on the Magento platform, IronPlane knows how to find the sweet spot of power and speed for any Magento 2 website. Our Magento 2 speed optimization program is comprised of the following activities:

  • Code Review and Site Performance Audit
  • Site Improvements to Speed Up Magento 2
  • Ongoing Magento Speed Optimization

Code Review and Site Performance Audit

The first step in speeding up a Magento 2 site is a code review and site performance audit. This comprehensive site evaluation looks at critical aspects of the website impacting site speed and overall performance in each of the following areas:

  • Magento 2 core code
  • Magento 2 theme structure & design
  • Magento 2 database optimization
  • JavaScript and CSS file optimization
  • Content delivery network

  • Magento 2 indexing configuration
  • Cache configuration
  • Image optimization
  • Custom features & integration
  • Magento 2 extensions

How To Speed Up Magento 2

The code review and site performance audit allow our developers to identify specific issues that result in a slow Magento 2 site. Our developers also identify ways to speed up the site.

01 STEP 1


Some Magento 2 speed improvements can be quickly implemented, while others take more time. To start our speed optimization program, we focus on the low-hanging fruit first such as:
  • Content delivery network
  • Magepack for JS bundling
02 STEP 2

Other Magento 2 speed factors to evaluate

  • Image size optimization
  • Removing unnecessary code
  • CSS minification
  • Cache configuration
  • Hosting configuration
03 STEP 3

Technical methods of speeding up Magento 2

  • Magento / PHP updates
  • Database optimization
  • Index optimization
  • Extension and custom code edits
Ongoing Magento Speed Optimization

Ongoing Magento Speed Optimization

An optimized Magento website is not a one-and-done project. It requires ongoing maintenance to ensure continued site speed optimization in the midst of upgrades, enhancements and bugs.

In our experience improving the site speed of Magento 2 websites, requires a proactive rather than reactive approach to ensure optimal site speed for both your customers and your internal teams who depend on the website.

Using automated performance measurement tools, installed analytics and manual inspection, we stay on top of site speed issues as they arise and implement adjustments to ensure continued efficiency of your Magento 2 website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does Magento speed matter?

The speed of your Magento website is one of the most crucial factors of an eCommerce store. At the very basic level, online buyers, even with the strongest intent to find your website, have a low tolerance for slow websites.

For example, research conducted by found that 9.6% of site visitors will leave a page if it loads within 2 seconds. For pages that load in 7 seconds, the bounce rate jumps to more than 32%. You can imagine the impact this will have on conversion rates and customer experience.

Site speed is also an element considered by Google when it ranks sites for organic searches. If your site is slow (desktop or mobile), it gets a lower score than others that perform better.

Two of Google’s three key performance metrics are Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) and First Input Delay (FID), both of which are directly related to the speed with which your site loads and displays information.

Why is my Magento site loading slow?

It is not always easy to know when your Magento 2 website is slow. You may not be interacting with the site every day and may assume everything is ok. There are a few key indicators that can help you know when to look a bit deeper into your site speed.

  • Reduced visitor time on site
  • Increased bounce rates
  • Lower conversion rates
  • Customer complaints

If you suspect your site is slow, our team can provide a free speed test, whether you are on Magento or any other platform. Click here to sign up.

What is the difference between Site Speed and Page Speed?

In theory, site speed is a broad metric that provides sitewide performance. In practice, site speed is rarely used in this manner and it has become interchangeable with page speed. When a test is run, it runs on a single URL and it gives you metrics for that single page.

The best practice for assessing the broader metric of your site speed is to collect metrics for several or your key pages such as:

  • Homepage
  • Product Category page
  • Product Detail Page
  • Check out pages
  • Other high-traffic landing pages

Individual page results will provide you with specific site speed improvement ideas and will help you identify trends common to all pages. The more pages you test, the more you are able to build your own unique site speed profile along with ideas for how to improve.

Can extensions cause Magento slow response times?

Yes, integrated extensions can have an impact on a Magento site running slow. Some Magento extensions are poorly coded and impact site performance even when properly implemented and configured. Other extensions that are well-coded still require thoughtful implementation and configuration. Any third-party extension should be properly evaluated for potential impact to site performance before making a purchase or installing it on your site, as well as any potential Magento extension to speed up sites.

How to increase Magento website speed?

Site speed is a critical element of eCommerce success. While native site speed was improved from Magento 1 to Magento 2, optimal performance requires the insights and expertise of a skilled developer. To speed up your Magento 2 store, we suggest inspecting the following areas:

  • Magento hosting configuration
  • Magento 2 database optimization JavaScript and CSS file Optimization
  • Content delivery network
  • Cache configuration
  • Magento image optimization

Will indexing my site prevent Magento slow loading?

Magento speed indexing is a process that allows changes to be made to the store data without slowing site performance. Magento stores process a lot of data at any given time from product price updates, to inventory levels, to transaction information and customer data. The process of indexing relies on special pools of data to be indexed rather than reindexing every record every time.

In order for Magento indexing to be efficient, it must be configured correctly. Each site will have different needs based on website activity and so configurations may vary from site to site. In general, these are some configurations that should be in place:

  • Indexes should be set to run according to schedules (Cron jobs)
  • Cron jobs should be set to run automatically on a regular basis, but not too often
  • Cron job batches should be sized to increase efficiency and reduce run-time