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Magento eCommerce Consulting: Why You Should Consider It

In today's digital world, eCommerce businesses are a dime a dozen. As such, it's essential for online merchants to have both the best eCommerce platform for their business and a solid strategy to help them stand out from the competition.
For merchants that have selected Magento Open Source or Adobe Commerce as their eCommerce platform, the most effective way to build their strategy for competitive advantage is by working with a n experienced Magento eCommerce consulting team.
In this blog post, we'll explore: 
  • What Magento consulting is
  • Why Magento consulting important
  • What benefits merchants can expect from eCommerce consulting
  • The qualities of the best Magento eCommerce consulting companies

What Is Magento eCommerce Consulting?

Magento eCommerce consulting is a service most often provided by Magento development agencies and digital consulting companies. The work typically involves a thorough analysis of a merchant's eCommerce business to identify technical and operational areas for improvement and growth. The deliverable of such consulting work usually includes a customized strategy that defines the tactical moves necessary to realize the merchant's goals.

It is not uncommon for a consulting engagement to cost a merchant serveral thousands of dollars. If a company is investing such resources in their Magento consulting team for strategies that deliver concrete ROI, it is absolutely essential to have the best Magento consultants you can find.

Why Is Magento Consulting Important?

The eCommerce landscape is constantly evolving, and merchants need to keep up with the latest trends and technologies to remain competitive. Within this market, Magento is recognized as one of the most robust platforms for building custom design and functionality. It is also known for the complex interplay of code, configuration, and infrastructure that must be finely tuned by an expert team. Working with a skilled Magento consultant can help merchants in finding the greatest return and minimizing technical debt while staying ahead of the competition.

Finally, a Magento consultant can help merchants make informed decisions that align with their business goals. By analyzing data and providing insights, consultants can help merchants make strategic choices from marketing to custom functionality, to innovative UX, all of which can lead to long-term success.

Learn more about IronPlane’s approach to Magento Development in this YouTube series.



What Benefits Can Merchants Expect From Working With a Magento Consultant?

Working with a Magento consultant can bring a wide range of benefits to eCommerce merchants. Having an expert assess your eCommerce store with the intention of helping you optimize and grow leads to a number of possibilities. Some of the most significant benefits include:

Improved User Experience

A Magento consultant can help merchants identify areas where user experience can be improved. By optimizing the user journey, merchants can increase conversions and improve customer retention.

Improved Sales

By implementing proven eCommerce strategies, such as upselling and cross-selling, a Magento consultant can help merchants increase their sales and revenue.

Enhanced Security

Magento consultants can help merchants ensure that their eCommerce site is secure and protected against cyber threats. This can give customers peace of mind when making purchases on the site.

Avoiding Technical Debt

The Magento platform is a mass of complex code. One of the most common scenarios we encounter as we take on new eCommerce clients is that they had some inexpensive developers managing their site for years and over time the site slowed down, couldn't be updated, or just "broke". This is technical debt and it hurts businesses because it costs them much more in the long run to dig out of that debt than if they had paid  higher rates to a more experienced and skilled Magento development agency in the first place.

Better Scalability

As merchants grow their business, they need to ensure that their eCommerce site can handle increased traffic and sales. A Magento consultant can help merchants prepare for this growth and implement solutions that ensure their site remains scalable.

Improved Analytics

Magento offers a great deal of first-party data about your customers. A good Magento eCommerce consultant will help you set up helpful reports and dashboards that help your teams quickly gain insights to make the most informed decisions about driving more sales and better customer experience.

Read about IronPlane’s approach to B2B Magento Development here.

What Qualities Do the Best Magento eCommerce Consulting Companies Have?

When choosing a Magento eCommerce consulting company, it's important to look for certain qualities that indicate a high level of expertise and professionalism. Here are some of the key qualities to look for:

Deep Magento Knowledge

The best Magento eCommerce consulting companies have a deep understanding of the Magento and Adobe Commerce platforms and how it can be used to achieve business goals. They should be able to provide guidance on all aspects of Magento, from design and development to marketing and analytics.

Proven Track Record

Look for a consulting company that has a proven track record of success. They should be able to provide case studies and references that demonstrate their ability to deliver results for eCommerce merchants.

Customized Solutions

Every eCommerce business is unique, and the best Magento consultants understand this. They should be able to provide customized solutions that meet the specific needs and goals of each merchant they work with.

Candid about Priorities and Tradeoffs

Your Magento eCommerce consultant should not be a "yes" team, nor should they sugar-coat difficult decisions. They should understand your priorities and your constraints and be able to candidly communicate the tradeoffs for you to make the most informed decision.

Strong Communication Skills

The best Magento consultant will have particularly good communication skills. This is on the "softer" side of skills, but is truly critical because clarity of your business vision and long term goals must be paired with clarity of the solutions proposed to deliver on that vision and those goals. A good Magento eCommerce consultant should be able to explain complex technical concepts in a way that is easy to understand, and they should be responsive and easy to reach when needed.

Collaborative Approach

The best Magento eCommerce consulting companies take a collaborative approach to working with their clients. They should be willing to listen to feedback and incorporate it into their solutions, and they should be willing to work with merchants as partners to achieve their goals.

Proactive Mindset

The best Magento consultants are proactive in their approach. They don't wait for merchants to identify problems or challenges; instead, they proactively analyze data and identify areas for improvement. They should be able to offer solutions before merchants even realize there is a problem.

Continual Learning

The eCommerce landscape is constantly evolving, and the best Magento eCommerce consulting companies stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies. They should be committed to continual learning and improvement, and they should be able to offer cutting-edge solutions to their clients.

Find a Trusted Partner

Look no further than our team at IronPlane. Our certified Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce developers are trained to balance client vision and functional requirements with business goals for a concrete return on investment. Our Magento development services team is the trusted partner of CEOs, CMOs and Directors of eCommerce at mid-market and enterprise B2B and B2C brands like Gat Creek, Packaging Price, Tacony, and Russell Marine Products.

Get Full Magento eCommerce Solutions

At IronPlane, we have the expertise and resources to manage:

  • eCommerce consulting
  • eCommerce replatforming
  • Magento upgrades
  • New site builds
  • UX redesign
  • Custom Magento development and integrations
  • Managed Magento hosting

Find Resources to Help You Stay Informed

Our entire team is dedicated to staying current with eCommerce trends while also looking ahead to see what's next. From our deep library of technical resources to the Shaping Commerce podcast and Youtube channel, we want to be your trusted information partner as well.

FAQs: Magento eCommerce Consulting

How much does an eCommerce consultant cost?

The cost of an eCommerce consultant can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the consultant's level of expertise, the scope of the project, and the duration of the engagement. Some consultants charge an hourly rate, while others charge a flat fee for a specific project. On average, you can expect to pay an hourly rate between $175 and $225 for an experienced Magento eCommerce consultant.

How do I find a good Magento eCommerce consultant?

We always recommend word of mouth recommendations from merchants that are also working with the Magento platform and have had a postitive experience with a Magento eCommerce consultant. They may actually only have worked with the development arm of the agency, but it is always worth asking a skilled development agency if they also offer consulting services. A Google search is also a good place to start, but when you find an agency or consultant that looks good, be sure to follow up to review cases studies and get references if possible. In our experience the best Magento eCommerce consultants are part of a larger team like an agency rather than operating as a freelancer.

What are the pitfalls to avoid when hiring an eCommerce consultant?

Some common pitfalls to avoid when hiring a Magento eCommerce consultant include:
  • Not doing your research to find a suitable consultant.
  • Not having a clear idea of what you hope to achieve from your consulting project.
  • Not budgeting enough money to cover the costs of a substantial consulting effort.
  • Not allocating sufficient staff resources to fully collaborate with the consulting team.

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