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Adobe Commerce

Adobe Commerce is Adobe's flagship commerce solution. As such, Adobe spends a lot of time building new functionality for the platform and new integration opportunities with other Adobe products.

Adobe Commerce is available via paid license for either the Adobe hosted version which is called Adobe Commerce Cloud, and the unhosted version which is simply Adobe Commerce. Adobe provides some basic support with the paid license including core updates and security patches.

Even with the Adobe support, businesses on the Adobe Commerce platform will need their own development resource for ongoing maintenance.

Magento Open Source

Magento has always been an open source eCommerce platform. This means the source code is open and free to the public for use, customization, and distribution according to the Open Software License (OSL) v3.0.

Since its launch in 2008, the Magento platform has been maintained by a dedicated community of developers around the world. Adobe bought Magento in 2014 and controls the release schedule for the platform updates.

Magento Open Source remains free from license fees, but also does not benefit from direct development support provided to Adobe Commerce.


Functional Differences

The specific functional differences between Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce will change over time as Adobe releases new functionality.

In general, Adobe Commerce gets the most Adobe development attention and gets the latest and greatest functionality built into the platform.

Functional releases from Adobe sometimes are simultaneously released to Magento Open Source but are often only released to Magento Open Source after several version updates have passed.

However, due to the active Magento developer community, add-on modules (also called extensions) are often developed soon after a new functional release, bringing a similar version of functionality to the Magento Open Source users.

To view the current functional differences, refer to Adobe’s release notes for each platform.

Functional Differences

The specific functional differences between Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce will change over time as Adobe releases new functionality.

In general, Adobe Commerce gets the most Adobe development attention and gets the latest and greatest functionality built into the platform.

Functional releases from Adobe sometimes are simultaneously released to Magento Open Source but are often only released to Magento Open Source after several version updates have passed.

However, due to the active Magento developer community, add-on modules (also called extensions) are often developed soon after a new functional release, bringing a similar version of functionality to the Magento Open Source users.

To view the current functional differences, refer to Adobe’s release notes for each platform.

Similarities: Magento Open Source & Adobe Commerce

  • Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source use the same source code. Adobe makes this codebase publicly available via Magento Open Source for others to use, modify and distribute independently.
  • As of now, Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source share a planned release schedule, as noted on Adobe’s website. For 2023, there are releases in March, June, August, and October.

  • Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce both require skilled developers to maintain non-core code. This includes non-Adobe modules, custom functionality, and integrations with non-Adobe platforms.

  • Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce are self-hosted platforms requiring a hosting company for infrastructure support. (Adobe Commerce Cloud, is the same platform as Adobe Commerce, with Adobe providing the hosting.)

  • Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source both benefit from the Magento community’s efforts to improve the platform. Specific development initiatives and the release schedule for both platforms are controlled by Adobe with input from the community.

  • Due to Adobe’s approach to security patches for both platforms, the native security is the same.

Choosing Between Platforms

Choosing the right eCommerce platform can improve operational efficiencies, increase sales, and lower your total cost of ownership.

Choosing the wrong platform can cause organizational strife, increased customer churn, and increased operational costs, which may include a replatform sooner than desired.

If you are considering Magento Open Source or Adobe Commerce, consider these three questions:

  1. Will the business benefit from functionalities offered by Adobe Commerce not currently available on Magento Open Source?

  2. Would the business prefer to depend primarily on a partner development agency or Adobe?

  3. Does the business want more comprehensive integration options between Adobe Experience products and the eCommerce platform?

Choose Magento Open Source
if your business...

  • Wants to avoid recurring license fees
  • Doesn't need the specific added functionality available on Adobe Commerce
  • Has a trusted and highly skilled development agency partner or internal team to manage ongoing development needs
  • Prefers a more hands-on approach to building and maintaining its eCommerce solution
  • Doesn't want to manage an engagement with Adobe in addition to an agency

Choose Adobe Commerce
if your business...

  • Wants Adobe more involved in supporting its eCommerce platform
  • Needs specific functionality offered natively on Adobe Commerce
  • Prefers to depend on Adobe for core updates to their eCommerce platform
  • Is willing to invest in both the Adobe Commerce license fees and supplemental agency fees
  • Needs seamless integrations with other Adobe Cloud products

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