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We adapt our Magento 2 Migration solutions to your business needs.

magento migration

IronPlane’s Rapid Magento 2 Migration

Migrating to a new Magento 2 is a complex process with numerous pitfalls. IronPlane’s extensive experience with Magento 2 migrations ensures a smooth transition, professionally implemented using best practices to retain the core value your web presence has acquired over time.

Take your store to new heights by migrating from these platforms and many more:

  • Magento 1.x - 2.x
  • WooCommerce
  • BigCommerce
  • Shopify
  • Volusion
  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud


Magento 2 Migration Essentials

We adapt our Magento 2 Migration solutions to your business needs with a focus on a holistic migration plan including:

  • Seamless data migration
  • SEO enhancements
  • ADA compliance
  • Site security and  monitoring
  • Optimized UX and conversion rates
  • Improved site speed

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Magento 2 Migration Steps

A typical migration using the open-source Colibri foundation can be completed within 3 - 4 months. We work with a phased approach to ensure clarity of effort, timing, and cost at every stage. At the end of our migration process, you’ll have a stable, secure, and functionally robust store you can scale for years to come.

01 STEP 1

Code review and business discovery

For Magento migrations, upgrades, and support agreements, we conduct a full code review to evaluate the existing code, theme, extensions, and customizations.
02 STEP 2

Project scoping and estimation

Informed by our code review and discovery, we estimate the level of effort, timing, and overall costs for the migration.
03 STEP 3

Base site preparation and data migration

Our migrations follow a defined structure for the base implementation and data migration. Additional research is conducted as needed in preparation for the next phase.
04 STEP 4

Development, staging, and QA

Custom design and development is implemented in this phase, followed by a push to the staging environment and QA testing.
05 STEP 5

Launch to live

Once we’ve passed through successful testing, we push to the live environment with minimal downtime and a final round of user testing.

Mitigating Migration Risk

eCommerce migrations are inherently risky. A lot can go wrong and success is never guaranteed. However, we’ve found three key elements that dramatically increase your chances of success:

  • The right team
    IronPlane has been developing and migrating sites to Magento since 2011 (Magento has been around since 2008). We work with our own team of expert developers dedicated to the Magento platform.
  • No shortcuts
    It may be tempting to find the least expensive approach to your migration, but low-cost development usually means working with developers who do not follow development best-practices. In fact, we use the term Magento Rescue for companies whose sites we've taken over because their code has failed in one way or another due to such “money-saving” shortcuts.
  • Business drives development
    We work closely with each client to understand their business and identify the most efficient and effective ways Magento can help achieve their goals. Rather than technology trends, vendor suggestions, or developer dreams, we strive for clear business goals and a laser focus on delivering an eCommerce site that converts where it matters most.

How will migrating to Magento 2 help your business?

flexibility@2x (1)


Magento 2 is highly customizable, with more than 2,000 extensions. It will improve your user experience and customer trust.



Protect your customers’ data with updates to the latest versions of Magento, and with regular security updates packaged with bug fixes.

Dashboard 128

Admin Dashboard

Magento 2’s admin dashboard makes it simpler than ever to add new items and modify your website.

Lower Cost 128

Total Cost of Ownership

Magento 2 makes use of the latest technologies to allow for highly efficient development yielding concrete results and a lower total cost of ownership.