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Code Review and Site Audit

Code Review and Site Audit

IronPlane offers several audits for both prospects and clients. For qualified prospects, we offer a free "Magento quick audit" covering the essentials of your Magento instance.

If you have concerns about malware or code quality, we offer our in-depth code review service. This service digs into your site’s codebase and does an extensive performance audit to identify potential security risks, non-compliant code, or more broadly opportunities for improvement.

We examine your server configuration, conflicts between extensions, levels of traffic and usage, and issues with the size and configuration of your database and cache. As part of this process, we review:

  • Security and vulnerabilities
  • Theming structure
  • All custom features

  • Core Magento files
  • All extensions installed
  • All integrations (e.g. ERP)

Magento Speed Optimization

We help you speed up and improve the performance of your Magento store by examining:

  • Server configuration
  • Theme and design files
  • Size of database
  • Traffic / admin usage
  • Extensions / extension conflicts
  • Hosting (with specific recommendations)
  • Cache configuration (at app and server level)


Magento Integrations

With over 11 years developing on the Magento platform we've built and managed an extensive variety of systems integrations. Here are some examples of integrated systems that bring the greatest value to your business operations:

  • POS integrations: For brick and mortar stores living in a multi-channel world, a common integration is between your Magento platform and your brick and mortar POS.
  • PIM/DAM integrations: Product information management and digital asset management solutions are key elements of the enterprise business tech stack. With touchpoints throughout your business and marketing operations, seamless integration here is essential.
  • CMS integrations: Integrating your Content Management System (CMS) is crucial for centralized content management. These integrations often bridge disparate data and asset sources to present a cohesive front end to your customer.
  • ERP integrations: Enterprise resource planning platforms, along with eCommerce systems, are the most commonly integrated system. This integration ensures that your product information, pricing, and inventory are synchronized across connected systems.
  • CRM and marketing automation integrations: Unified customer and prospect data synchorinized across various systems helps you build a 360-degree view of your customers, enabling targeted marketing campaigns, personalized messaging, and improved customer engagement.
  • Loyalty and subscription integrations: Increasing the lifetime value of your customers is the Holy Grail of commerce today. Fully integrated loyalty and subscription engines provide you with the greatest opportunity to develop deeper connections, reduce churn, and build recurring sales.

Magento Rescue

  • QuestionIs your Magento store encountering issues, bugs, or security flaws?
  • Question Do you need some help getting back on track so you can focus on your business instead of unexplained problems?

Magento Rescue starts with an in-depth discovery process, including commerce analysis and code review. We work with your needs and budget to develop short and long term plans to rescue and improve your site.


Magento Custom Development

Our approach to Magento enterprise eCommerce development pairs industry best practices with client-centric visibility and communication. IronPlane specializes in four areas that are particularly relevant to enterprise businesses:

  • Custom functionality
  • Systems integration
  • Magento site performance optimization
  • Enterprise-grade site security

Magento Technical Support

IronPlane is with you every step of the way, offering extra technical support whenever it’s needed.

  • Streamlined communication via 24/7 Help Desk
  • Dedicated point of contact
  • Rapid response to your most urgent support needs

We strive to give our partners the tools and knowledge needed to maintain their own sites.

  • Training for your team members to become world
    class Magento site administrators
  • Managing inventories and products, updating banners
    and graphics, or even keeping software and extensions
    updated and optimized